Erfolgreich.Familienfreundlich – wir gehören zu Bayerns Top 20


CG TEC Carbon und Glasfasertechnik GmbH is one of Bavaria's 20 most family-friendly companies. The company competition "Successful.Family Friendly" honors this commitment and awarded 20 of the most family-friendly companies in Bavaria. The competition is an initiative within the framework of the Bavarian Family Pact and is held regularly by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy together with the Bavarian State Ministry of Family Affairs, Labor and Social Affairs. 

The 20 most family-friendly companies in Bavaria were honored on June 15, 2023 by Bavaria's Minister of Labor Ulrike Scharf and Bavaria's Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Roland Weigert. The aim of the award is to honor family-friendly corporate policies and their positive effects on the image and economic success of companies. We at CG TEC Carbon und Glasfasertechnik GmbH and Carbonscout are very proud to be a prize winner and thus also a role model for family-friendly corporate policy.

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Company with profile

Almost idyllically between hop gardens, the adjacent forest and the Franconian Rezat lies the company CG Tec Carbon und Glasfasertechnik GmbH...   

Picture of Andrea Kipf

Andrea Kipf